Quakes Stadium
8408 Rochester Ave
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
If you have yet to pick up your tickets you can pick them up from Church Friday July 19th between 1:30pm-5pm or pick them up before 5pm from the tailgating prior to the game. Any questions please email Jill or connect with her at 909.241.0947 prior to 5pm on Saturday.
Tailgating & FREE food: 3pm-6pm
East side parking lot next to the Rochester entrance. Look for the large grassy area connected to that parkign lot with our Church Two42 canopy and easy up’s.
Carrying the Flag 5pm
If you or your child is signed up to carry the flag please be at the tailgate party under the Two42 canopy at 5pm. From there we will walk over together to the class for instructions on how to carry the flag out onto the field during the national anthem.
*You cannot miss this class if you or your kiddo is registered to carry the flag!
Game Time: 6:30pm
Remember that your tickets are your “assigned seats.” However, there will be over 250 people in our group at the game. Due to this large family style, people may want to move around in order to sit next to their friends or other family friends there. Please understand that we did our best to accommodate the size of each family registered with rows/seats available and placing one another by friends. We just ask that if people move around, or want to sit next to their friends, you would be accommodating to them as long as you can still sit next to your family and who you would like to as well. Remember we’re here for a good time so please do not let someone sitting in your seats or moving around ruin your experience at the game.
Firework Show
Will start 5/10 minutes prior to the end of the game.
***Clear bags only inside
They will not allow purses. You can pack your things in a clear bag/ziplock etc.
Also you’re allowed 2 plastic water bottles per person to bring in
Men’s Service Ministry
Time: 7:30am-10am
Every 3rd Saturday of the month
For monthly locations, to get involved or to receive help from this ministry contact: