Young Adults Ministry

Young Adults Ministry

Welcome to the Young Adults Ministry at Church Two42, a vibrant young adult community. We strive to foster clarity and understanding by uniting young men and women to Christ, and empowering them to embrace their purpose. Our genuine Acts 2 community inspires generations to fearlessly live out their destinies in Christ through the values of community, truth, and action. Join us as we gather every month for fun times, good food, and impactful messages that will leave you ready to take on the world.

To connect with our Young Adult community join our group thread using the QR code and see where we will be in the months to come and be in the know of what is taking place.

We encourage all our young adults no matter the age to connect on a Sunday morning in our worship service. Church Two42 : 8680 Helms Ave. Rancho Cucamonga Ca. 91730 Service Times: 9:00am and 11:00am Throughout the month we have a few things designed for those jumping into adulting, trying to navigate life as you fight through college, and start careers and maybe even get married. All are welcomed to these “Gatherings” in hope to create a community of those that love Christ and follow what He has asked of us.

First Sunday of the Month: After the 11:00am service we go to lunch together. This is a time to connect with those may not know. You don’t have to eat, we would just love the company. Checkout the Group thread to find out where, but mostly we will be going to Haven City.

Second Wednesday of the Month: Join us for Pneuma Nights at the church (8680 Helms Ave.) starting at 6:00pm. This is a time to connect with the Holy Spirit and pray with one another. A moment to slow down and recognize the Lord in our lives. *Please note that we will not have Pneuma Nights on months we have Culture Nights. Please check the calendar for more information.

Fourth Friday of the Month: The Young Adult Gathering. This is a time we all gather together and share what the month brought. We share scripture, testimonies, prayer request and then we discuss theological questions and worship together. The night starts at 6:30pm at the Hamilton residence (8247 Kirkwood Ave. Rancho Cucamonga Ca. 91730).

Bible Studies:

There is a young men’s bible study that takes place every Wednesday and you are more than welcomed to join. The young women have a study of their own as well. We encourage you to take this week to join in and give it a chance. If that is not your forte most month we will also have a game night happening this week. Look in the Group Thread for that information.


Upcoming events

  • The Gathering

    Last Friday of the Month

    Time: 6:30pm

    Address: 8247 Kirkwood Ave.

    Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730

    Join us as we get poured into by our Senior Pastor & leaders. This is a time to connect, grow & fellowship.

  • Serve

    See a need, fill a need!

    If you would like to join us on our pursuit to creating a thriving young adults ministry, please fill free to contact us and let us know your interest and we will get in touch soon.
    We are always looking for more volunteers and new ideas to serve our ministries and the community around us.

  • Young Men's Bible Study


    Time: 7:00pm

    Address: 1710 N Coolcrest Ave

    Upland, CA 91784

    A bible study focused on equipping young men with self control and integrity while learning to live dignified lives during fellowship; therefore causing a ripple effect in the community.

    * We do not meet when there is a Pneuma Night

    Contact: Carson Adam