Prayer Team Ministries

Do you like to pray for the needs of others?

Prayer is more than just praise, lament, thanksgiving, confession, and petition. Prayer is a conversation with the Creator and Author of Life; It involves both speaking and listening.

There are many ways to connect in our community to pray. If you are a prayer warrior or just plain love talking with God we would love to have you join us on one of our three teams.

Intercessory PrayerTeam

Our Intercessor Prayer team keeps the fire of God burning within the church. We receive prayer requests throughout the week. You would be responsible for praying for their needs.

Prayer Chain

Our prayer chain ministry receives the prayer requests that come through this website. They diligently lift up these requests in prayer.

Altar Ministry

The Altar Prayer team is responsible for praying for those who come to the altar during Sunday services. They use their gifts to heal, comfort, encourage and build up the church body. You have the opportunity to impact and change lives through this ministry.

Prayer Room Team

The Prayer Room Team prays for the physical, emotional, spiritual, and other needs of those in the community. The team prays on the last Wednesday of the month.